
The Magistrate's Blog (2005-2012)

This blog has migrated to www.magistratesblog.blogspot.co.uk This blog is anonymous, and Bystander's views are his and his alone. Where his views differ from the letter of the law, he will enforce the letter of the law because that is what he has sworn to do. If you think that you can identify a particular case from one of the posts you are wrong. Enough facts are changed to preserve the truth of the tale but to disguise its exact source.

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Location: Near London, United Kingdom

The blog is written by a retired JP, with over 30 years' experience on the Bench.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

New Guidelines

The present Sentencing Guidelines were revised in 2003 and came into use in January 2004. A lot of legislative water has passed under the bridge since then, and the Sentencing Guidelines Council has begun consultation on a new edition. There is also a report on a new approach to setting fine levels, a subject that often evokes widely differing approaches from bench to bench and from area to area.
